Monday, March 17, 2014

Orecchiette with broccoli

Orecchiette with Broccoli
(pasta in the shape of ears )

Typical of the culinary tradition of rural Puglia, Italy, Orecchiette with broccoli is a simple dish but the taste that comes from the unique blend of flavors.
Calls in the local dialect as " dragged " orecchiette have a peculiar rough surface that holds the toppings well : we're going to prepare for this pleasure!


  • 400 Grams of handmade orecchiette ;
  • 1 Kg of broccoli or " turnip " to clean;
  • 1 Clove of garlic ;
  •  salt ;
  • chili powder;
  •  virgin olive oil


Let's start by cleaning up the broccoli in correct way , removing the leaves and the stems too spoiled and fibrosis. keep the most tender parts and florets . Wash them under running water.

Now we place a saucepan filled with very large salt water , when it comes to a boil , put the broccoli and cook them for 15 minutes, and the orecchiette for an additional 10 minutes, whereas, however, the broccoli should not be boiled too much , and orecchiette perfectly to the tooth.

In the meantime, we're going to prepare the sauce by placing the pan on the fire ( Large enough to accommodate the pasta later ) where we will pour the oil , a clove of minced garlic and chili powder . Let cook for a few minutes and turn off the fire .

Once the cooking of orecchiette completed  we're going to put it  , along with broccoli in pan. Mix well and cream it to flavor the dough with the flavors of the sauce .Serve the orecchiette with broccoli very hot , or steaming !

Serves 4 ;
Difficulty: Easy ;
Cooking time: 20 minutes;
Preparation time: 30 minutes ;
Cost: Low .

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